"If Nora Roberts were to write
an academic tome about Cyborgs,
Libertarians, and People who like
Vin Diesel, this is precisely what
it would be like. Watch out Mrs.
Roberts, a new talent has arrived!"
says Dr. Phil of Robert Lanham's work Robbie Lanham |
• "Another funny and strangely insightful contribution to our culture from Robert Lanham, the Margaret Mead of the North American Weirdo."
Neal Pollack
• "This book is a riot."
Cleveland Plain Dealer
"Since Election 2004, those of us who live in major coastal metropolitan centers have been scolded about how little we understand the rest of the country. Luckily for us, Brooklyn-based trendspotter Robert Lanham, who brought us last year's "Hipster Handbook," an ersatz-anthropological study of the youth of bohemian Williamsburg, is on the case. ... Forget Security Moms, NASCAR Dads, Metrosexuals. Lanham offers a panoply of new, more finely tuned Idio Types." continue reading
Boston Globe
• "Lanham's observational humor puts Jerry Seinfeld to shame." continue reading
Times Leader (PA)
• "Hilariously accurate descriptions of co-workers, family members, friends and other acquaintances that almost every American has encountered." continue reading
Publisher's Weekly
• "The Hipster Handbook author (and Free Williamsburg creator/editor) Robert Lanham decided to go beyond our fray and tackle a wider spectrum of Americans to examine and dissect... We highly recommend it..." continue reading
• "Will cause outright, prolonged laughter -- perhaps along with sighs of all-too-painful recognition." continue reading
Orlando Sentinel
• "[Lanham] looks beyond mere politics, mining the vast area between NPR and NASCAR to sweepingly and hilariously generalize about many groups of everyday people" continue reading The Washington Post